Love and Other Myths

So, it's another Valentine's Day. This is one of the days that I miss teaching middle school and high school. College students are less generous (at least in the case) than younger students. I actually enjoyed the kitsch I got from "my kids" every year, and I really liked observing teenaged boys trying to figure out how to impress the girls. Yeah, I do miss it sometimes, but it's not the time to grieve.

Anyway, I'm spending the evening with my computer and my TV. On the computer, math stuff, education policy articles, and Facebook. On the TV, the Westminster Dog Show. It's one of my favorite things to watch on TV, so I'm not really feeling disappointed that I'm staying home tonight.

I know, you thought that this was going to be one of those moany "Singles Awareness Day" posts, and I think it may have started out that way in my head. But then I thought about how I'm going to be graduating soon and going to Vancouver to rub elbows with important education policy people even sooner. So staying in and working on my dissertation is worth it. Mr. Right can wait for his Dr. Right. :)


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I write about, education, diabetes, family, pets, church, God, and whatever else comes to mind.

    Some Things That Make Me Happy

    (1) learning
    (2) family
    (3) barney
    (4) food
    (5) school
    (6) music
    (7) adoption
    (8) Doctor Who
    (9) worship
    (10) baking
    (11) reading
    (12) Quantum Leap
    (13) chocolate Irish cream cheesecake
    (14) scrapbooking
    (15) cake decorating
    (16) Star Trek
    (17) Craig Ferguson
    (18) British TV
    (19) gooey butter cake
    (20) crunchy onions
    (21) traveling

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