A New Friend...
It has been awhile since I blogged. I fell that I am not managing my time well. I honestly should be able to accomplish more in a day than I actually do.
Thank you again for your condolences and gestures of caring after the death of my beloved Milo. He was an amazing dog, and I still miss him every day.
Meanwhile, we have found a new friend to live with us at our house.
Our new friend's name is Barney. He was adopted from the Northeast Los Angeles County Animal Shelter about 1 month ago. He was a stray and had been at the shelter for a month before we adopted him, so he was pretty yucky and stinky when he came to live at our house. He even had paint on his fur. He was also not neutered, so he had to go to the doctor first and then came to our house post-op. (Hence, the cone.) He had to wear the cone for 2 weeks and was not allowed to have a bath until the cone came off.
Now he is all clean and feeling at home. He sleeps on the kitchen love seat and has many toys to play with. Yesterday he ate Mom's breakfast leftovers from the table, dug through the recyling and spread paper all over the floor, and tore the feet off of one of his (actually Milo's) toys. He also has learned the sound of the garage opening and how to rest his head on my lap while I'm studying. He is becoming "my dog" but is also "our dog," since Pop went to the shelter with me this time. He is a friendly, sweet, dog, if a bit rough around the edges. He's not as gentle as Milo and Tim Tam, but with patience he will learn to be.
I am still in mourning for Milo. I miss him every day and cry about him often. But I am learning to love my new dog and to give him the life he did not have in the shelter. I'll keep you updated.
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