Another year...what a lot has happened...
Sooo...last week was my birthday. It was pretty low key. Most of you know that usually I do a big thing for my birthday, but this year I did not. This is partly due to the fact that I am desperately trying to get my dissertation proposal finished (and it is way overdue) and partly due to the fact that people seemed really put out by what I wanted to do. Nevertheless, there were some high points.
On my birthday, the Chans (Virna, Danny, Cassidy, and Jordan) took me out for burgers at The Counter and dessert at Green Street Restaurant. On Friday, my Renovatus church family surprised me with a fruit tart from Porto's. And on Sunday, my friends Nestor, Kelly, Yvette, Pixote, and Olivia surprised me with a red velvet cake--also from Porto's. YUM!!! :)
Also on my birthday, I spent the morning at the vet with Barney, who has (had?) two ear infections. He got some medicine, and he seems to be doing a lot better now.
In the last year, I have passed my qualifying exams, presented at my first conference, had a paper accepted at my first national conference, gotten a new job teaching college students. I have lost my best friend, attended three funerals, NOT finished my dissertation proposal (yet!). I have started giving myself nightly injections, gotten a new doctor, and gotten a new doggy. In short, I have lived life.
I'm thankful for another year of life. Looking forward to what's next.
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