A Gorgeous Day!
In the past few weeks, Southern California has experienced at least 3 storms in a row. We even had some snow (not in L.A.). We are not used to the rain. We can't drive in it. And it causes mudslides. And most people don't like it.
But after the rain, Southern California is GORGEOUS! The air is clean and crisp and clear. Right now there's snow on the mountains, and they are beautiful to look at.
Today I took Milo to Petco to have a bath. I had to wait almost three hours for him to finish, so I did a little shopping, had some lunch, and sat outside reading. It was the perfect afternoon for being outside. I really should take advantage of our weather more often. Plus, I actually got some work done, which was something I really needed to do. I read a great article that I am pretty sure I can use for the dissertation, so now I feel productive as well. LOL
I think that this year I need to spend more time outside. With all of the reading I'm going to have to do, it is not going to be that difficult to do. Right???
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