Wow! I can't believe it's 2011!
Maybe my new year's resolution should be to keep up with my blog...
So...Happy New Year, everyone! Now that we're only a few days into 2011, I guess it's still OK to say that. I did absolutely nothing on New Year's Eve. My dad roasted a chicken with the new chicken roaster he got for Christmas. I did nothing of consequence. In fact, I can't even really remember what I did. Ha ha.
2010 was an up-and-down year for me. July was particularly difficult. But November was great. On balance, it wasn't a great year, but since I came out at the end still kicking and screaming, I guess it's something to celebrate.
Nothing big planned for 2011, either. I don't think I'll be able to do a real vacation until after May 2012. Yes, I'm already counting down to graduation. This year's posts will probably have a dissertation theme running through them...but, then again, maybe not. I guess we will just have to see what the year brings. Maybe it will be a year of miracles. :)
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