Visiting Jack :)

This past weekend I traveled to Northern California to attend my cousin's wedding. I left early on Saturday morning and drove and drove and drove. I drove for 4-1/2 hours until I got to Santa Nella, CA, where I stopped at In-n-Out and had an animal style cheeseburger and fries. I also bought some gasoline and used the facilities. Before I had my car engine rebuilt, I would have had to stop much earlier, but the old car gets really good mileage now. :)

I arrived at my sister's house at around 4:30. They live kind-of out in the woods in Angwin. And, because they only live at this particular home part-time, they had no phone, no internet, and no TV. Also, because they are in the middle of nowhere, they get no cell service. I honestly did not like that much quiet, although some people might find it relaxing.

And I got to see Jack. Jack is much older than he was the last time I saw him. He is pretty much deaf and has arthritis. So the aggressive, scary Jack is now sweet and docile, for the most part. I enjoyed visiting with him. :)

My sister and her husband made dinner that night for us and a couple of friends. The food was delicious, and the conversation was good. I was also eaten alive by mosquitos. I still have bites all over my legs.

After the guests left, I went to bed. There was no TV to watch anyway. LOL

The next day was the wedding!!!

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I write about, education, diabetes, family, pets, church, God, and whatever else comes to mind.

    Some Things That Make Me Happy

    (1) learning
    (2) family
    (3) barney
    (4) food
    (5) school
    (6) music
    (7) adoption
    (8) Doctor Who
    (9) worship
    (10) baking
    (11) reading
    (12) Quantum Leap
    (13) chocolate Irish cream cheesecake
    (14) scrapbooking
    (15) cake decorating
    (16) Star Trek
    (17) Craig Ferguson
    (18) British TV
    (19) gooey butter cake
    (20) crunchy onions
    (21) traveling

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