Two Lunches
This week I had two lunches out. Since I rarely eat out once in a week it was an interesting occurence of two very different experiences.
On Monday I went to get my hair cut. I was surprised (happily) to run into Virna and Lisa. Virna was celebrating her completion of her first (and she says last) marathon by having Lisa cut her hair. We chatted, and Virna invited me to join them for lunch across the street at Granville cafe. Febe also joined us, and that was especially lovely because I hadn't seen her in so long. It was a delightful time with great company and delicious food.
Contrast that with today's lunch. I went to church and met with some friends. We hadn't gone out for quite a while and finally decided to go to Souplantation in Pasadena. It was a similar occasion--people I rarely go out with and a friend I hadn't seen for a long time; four of us, just like Monday's lunch. But the atmosphere was completely different. One of our party felt the need to monopolize the conversation and to demonstrate her expertise on pretty much every topic that was brought up. It got tedious, and I had to leave the table more than once to give myself a break. It was nice to hang out with my other two friends, and we had some good conversations when we weren't being interrupted.
One week. Two very different lunches. Such is life.
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