Happy 2012!
OK, I have to say that 2011 was a terrible year. So was 2010, for that matter. I am ready for something great to happen in 2012.
Here's what I'm looking forward to...
--AERA in Vancouver in April. I'm presenting on EIEA to a room full of people who are experts on Kingdon. Am I scared? You betcha!
--Dissertation defense in April (or earlier!). I have to finish writing first, but, yeah...:)
--Graduation in May! This is contingent on the previous item, but, well, yeah...:D
--A new job! OK, this is really wishful thinking on my part, but, c'mon. I think I'm due.
--Celebratory trip(s)! Again, wishful thinking, but again, I think I'm due. LOL
Yeah, so that's what I'm looking forward to. I could add more, but I think that's sufficient for now.
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