Two Terms Down . . . Seven More to Go!
Well, I got through Winter Term. It was rough . . . Legal and Ethical Issues in Education; Quantitative Research Methods; Research to Practice Seminar. The work wasn't necessarily HARD; it was just LOTS. And I learned lots, too.
My classmates were pretty disappointing, though. Many of them were big jerks, just because they couldn't pick up statistics immediately. Certain students were VERY rude to the teacher. This was especially disappointing because my classmates are education professionals and would be angry if their own students treated them with the disrespect they showed our professor.
And our professor was BRILLIANT! Not only did he understand the one Doctor Who joke in the textbook, but he was really sensitive to the fact that the material was really scary for a lot of people. He made statistics really accessible and was very kind. I must say that I liked the class.
I was glad to find out later that I wasn't just irritable and that other people in my class felt the same. The semester ended well, with me finishing all of my projects and a nice lunch with some new classmate friends. I had felt rather lonely and isolated for much of the term, so it was nice to know that I'm not alone.
I don't know if I got straight A's. Statistics is a toss-up, but the lowest grade I could have possibly gotten was a B+. Anyway, Dr. Mitchell set me straight when he said, "This is the last degree you're going to get. At this stage, GPA is just ego." After he said that, I calmed down about grades and felt MUCH better.
So now I have a month off of school (but not off of work). When we return in May, it will be the third term of our first year! :)
It is time for me to clean my house.
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