New Addition to My Blogroll

Sep 27

(If you are reading this on Facebook, you have to go to my actual blog to see my blogroll.)

Just added a new blog to my blogroll. It's written by our school mascot, Duke. He is a beautiful English bulldog and just became a grandfather. It's a really cute blog and will make you feel happy when you see the picture of the puppies. Check it out! :)


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I write about, education, diabetes, family, pets, church, God, and whatever else comes to mind.

    Some Things That Make Me Happy

    (1) learning
    (2) family
    (3) barney
    (4) food
    (5) school
    (6) music
    (7) adoption
    (8) Doctor Who
    (9) worship
    (10) baking
    (11) reading
    (12) Quantum Leap
    (13) chocolate Irish cream cheesecake
    (14) scrapbooking
    (15) cake decorating
    (16) Star Trek
    (17) Craig Ferguson
    (18) British TV
    (19) gooey butter cake
    (20) crunchy onions
    (21) traveling