Nice Craig Ferguson Article

Here's a nice article about Craig Ferguson, whose show I love. Craig comes across as more than just a goofball. He is also thoughtful, smart, and genuine. And, yeah, he is a goofball, too. Anyway, it's a nice article, so I thought I'd share. :)

Also, the above videos show Craig's interview with Archbishop Desmond Tutu. It's amazing to believe that goofball Craig got to interview Archbishop Tutu. I think Craig was the most amazed. I think he did a great job, while still staying true to himself.


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I write about, education, diabetes, family, pets, church, God, and whatever else comes to mind.

    Some Things That Make Me Happy

    (1) learning
    (2) family
    (3) barney
    (4) food
    (5) school
    (6) music
    (7) adoption
    (8) Doctor Who
    (9) worship
    (10) baking
    (11) reading
    (12) Quantum Leap
    (13) chocolate Irish cream cheesecake
    (14) scrapbooking
    (15) cake decorating
    (16) Star Trek
    (17) Craig Ferguson
    (18) British TV
    (19) gooey butter cake
    (20) crunchy onions
    (21) traveling

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